ICSR Objectives

The following are the objectives of ICSR:

  • Promote a culture of safety and resilience at all levels through the use of knowledge, innovation and education.
  • Reduce vulnerability of buildings thereby decreasing likelihood of loss of life and injury to the habitants of the buildings
  • Implementing the disaster management cycle (mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery) in the aspects of disaster management.
  • Coordinating and collaborating with all disaster management and related organizations, NGO’s, local and international agencies and creating strong network among them.
  • To mitigate the disruptive and destructive effects of hazards and all disasters in order to reduce their impact on vulnerable communities, assets and the environment
  • Achieving quick recovery from disaster
  • To make the efforts for conservation of environment

Contact Info

Unit 4, 9th Floor , WTC Tower, Valiasr, Tabriz, Iran
Tell | Fax : +984133660245
